Privacy Policy



Effective date: 12/12/2022 


Dinpa Technologies LTD (“Dinpa”) (“we”, “us”, “our”) is the owner and service provider of the Dinpa website and mobile application (“Ecommerce Platforms”). Your privacy when you use our Ecommerce Platforms is paramount to us. This Privacy Policy serves as a guide and provides information on the collection, processing and use of personal data collected by us when you use our Ecommerce Platforms and the Expresspay Company Limited (“Expresspay”) payment system. Dinpa is a company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Ghana and has entered into an agreement with Expresspay to use its payment system to facilitate online payment for goods and services on our Ecommerce Platforms. You, as a user of our Ecommerce Platforms and the Expresspay payment system shall be under an obligation to provide certain personal data to facilitate the transaction. This privacy policy is meant to help you understand the personal data we collect, how we collect, store, process and share it.




By using our Ecommerce Platforms, you have consented to our Privacy Policy and confirm that you have the legal capacity to give consent.


You acknowledge and agree that we may share your data with the merchant from whom you make your purchases.


You acknowledge and agree that we may use your purchase details for research and statistical purposes, and we hereby warrant that use and presentation of the research information will not identify you.


You agree that we may send you non-transactional or commercial marketing information on online merchants that you have visited or online merchants which sell the products that you frequently patronise.


You acknowledge and agree that we may use your information for any or all of the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy.


You agree that any personal data about a third party that you provide to us shall be done with the consent of that individual and you hereby represent to us that you have obtained all necessary consents for providing such personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.




When you use our Ecommerce Platforms, we collect your personal data to enable us provide you with the services you request. Personal data is any information that we can use to identify, locate and contact you. We collect this information directly or indirectly when you use our Ecommerce Platforms. We may also collect your personal data from third parties where that information is publicly available or with your consent. We may collect the following data through your use of our Ecommerce Platforms and the Expresspay payment system:


·       User information – such as your name, username, postal address, telephone number, email address or other addresses that enable us to provide you with our services and communicate with you.


·       Payment method information – your financial transaction information to facilitate the services we provide you. This assists us to be sure of your payments and enables us to make the correct calculation of amounts to be credited to or outstanding on any goods or service which you have requested and for which you have made payments. The information we collect from you include your payment medium type and number, the time and date of the transaction, the nature of payment you are making (e.g. instalment) and the amount you are paying for the goods or service.          


·       Information about your interactions with our Ecommerce Platforms - such as data collected when you use our Ecommerce Platforms (including your internet protocol address, metadata on your preferences and usage pattern, other information collected using cookies and other data collection technologies).




The data collected may be used for providing the payment service that you have requested, data verification during your transactions on the payment channels, administration of our Ecommerce Platforms, collecting payments from you, sending you marketing information from online merchants you have visited or merchants which sell the products or offer the services you frequently patronise. The information collected may be used for analytical and statistical purposes to provide additional information to enhance your use of our service and provide better services to you. The results of such research or statistics will not be made available in a form that will identify you. We shall ensure that your personal data is kept securely and protected from unlawful access. We shall ensure that we process your personal data in compliance with applicable data protection rules.




We may share your personal data with relevant entities to help detect and prevent identify theft, fraud and other potentially illegal acts. We may disclose your personal data if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to respond to court orders and other legal processes.


We may disclose personal data to law enforcement officers, third-party vendors, contractors and suppliers who perform services for us or on our behalf and require access to such information to perform that service, or others in the good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to: enforce our Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy; respond to claims that an advertisement, post or other content violates the rights of a third party; or protect the rights, property or personal safety of our users or the general public.


All the data and information collected by us through your use of our Ecommerce Platforms and the Expresspay payment platform will be processed and/or used in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the laws of the Republic of Ghana.




If you provide any personal data to us to enable you access the Expresspay payment service or access any service on our Ecommerce Platforms, we will take reasonable precautions to secure that information and will only use such personal data according to the terms of this Privacy Policy. We will adopt appropriate, reasonable, technical and organisational measures to prevent loss, misuse or unauthorised access of your personal data. We restrict access to your personal data to our employees, contractors, and agents who need that information for processing. We ensure that access to the information is subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations.




Unless the law provides otherwise, you have the right:


·       to receive information about why and how we collect and handle your personal data.


·       to request from us copies of any personal data that we hold on you. We may charge a fee for this service.


·       to request that we correct any information you believe is inaccurate and to request us to complete information you believe is incomplete.


·       to request that we delete your personal data.


·       to request that we restrict how we process your personal data.


·       to object to our processing of your personal data.


You may not be able to use our Ecommerce Platforms if you object to or restrict our processing of personal data about you or if you ask us to delete your personal data.


Contact us in writing using the information provided under the section titled “Contact Us” if you would like to exercise any of these rights.





We will retain your information for the purposes listed above for as long as you use our services and for any additional period that we may be required or permitted by law.




You may ask us to delete your details from our marketing/advertising list by writing to us or sending an email to the Ecommerce Platform administrator at the addresses provided under “Contact Us”.




You may access, download or print the Privacy Policy for future reference.




Our Ecommerce Platforms may contain links to other websites. This Privacy Policy applies only to our Ecommerce Platforms. If you click through to other websites, you must ensure that you read the privacy policy that applies to that website.




We reserve the right to modify, change, update or replace this Privacy Policy in whole or in any part at any time. The current version of the Privacy Policy is always the version that is published on our Ecommerce Platforms. You will be bound by the contents of the Privacy Policy on the day that you use our Ecommerce Platforms and/or agree to the Terms and Conditions. You are encouraged to read carefully the Privacy Policy each time you visit our Ecommerce Platforms.




If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, the information we hold about you, or would like to exercise any of your data protection rights, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Email us on:

Call us on: 0241301070




·                 Cookies


A cookie is a small file containing a string of characters that is sent to your computer or mobile device. The cookie allows us to recognise your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. You can configure your browser or device to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some features or services may not function properly without cookies.


·                 Data collection technologies


These are technological methods used in collecting information such as crash reports, system activity, and the date, time, and referrer URL of your request, complaint or feedback. They may include cookies, flash cookies, device information, server logs and other technologies, pixel tags and web beacons.


·                 Internet Protocol (IP) address


Every device connected to the Internet is assigned a number known as an IP address. These numbers are usually assigned in geographic blocks. An IP address can often be used to identify the location from which a device is connecting to the Internet.


·                 Metadata


A set of data that describes and gives information about other data.